
At age 45 I had a spinal infraction which as a result I was paralyzed from waist down. I lost all muscle control from my waist to my toes and I also lost all sensations in that area. I couldn’t feel heat or cold or the prick of a needle. After 4 months of intensive physical and occupational therapy, I was referred to Dr. Mohammadi by one of my friends who is a medical doctor herself. Dr. Mohammadi recommended a series of acupuncture treatments along with occupational and physical therapy. I did about 70 sessions, and during that time my involuntary spasms were greatly reduced. After 2 months of acupuncture treatments I was able to get out of wheelchair and with the use of a walker I could walk a short distance. After another two months of treatment, I was able to walk with crutches and I am now even able to go up the stairs with my cane. The incredible work of Dr. Mohammadi has allowed me to go back to work and do my daily tasks again. I am so thankful to her and I could never repay her for what she has done for me.

Alireza N., PharmD


I am a 47 years old housewife. I was suffering from seasonal allergies and I had severe coughs. I went to see many allergy and lung specialists but the medication that they prescribed was only effective for a few days. I even used steroid inhalers. I noticed that my allergies were getting worse and I decided to try acupuncture as an alternative approach. I found Dr. Mohammadi. She recommended I start with 12 sessions and if needed to continue with more treatments. I started noticing results after my 4th treatment and was almost symptom free after the end of my 15th session.  I have had few attacks of mild coughs and minor congestions since then which is nothing compared to what I was suffering from. Rokhsareh is very knowledgeable, kind, and compassionate and she was very confident in her approach which made me more confident about the results.

Krista M.


I have severe asthma and sinusitis with nasal polyps. As a result, I used to have extreme asthma attacks with shortness of breath and congestion that required me to visit the emergency room. I now get acupuncture treatments every 6 -12 months with good results. There is immediate relief, right after each treatment, and I can live my everyday life stress free due to Dr. Mohammadi’s magic hands.

Kathy G.


My 8 year old Student’s behavioral outbursts, tics and inattention dramatically diminished after a series of acupuncture sessions with Dr Mohammadi. As a teacher, it was amazing to witness the change in this student’s demeanor and his ability to fully participate in the learning.

Tara B.


I see Dr Mohammadi for face lift by acupuncture. It has changed the texture of my skin which is firmer and brighter now. I have fewer wrinkles and no double chins, I look 10 years younger! The way that acupuncture works on skin is gradual and you don’t look terribly different like after a cosmetic surgery. It is safe and has no poisons like Botox. I love it and see her for seasonal sessions now.

Maria S.


I was 30 years old that my gynecologist diagnosed me with PCOS. I wasn’t getting my periods regularly unless I took hormone medications in which many cases made other things worse. I tried acupuncture with Dr. Mohammadi. After three cycles, I couldn’t believe the results. I started having my periods regularly without any hormone medicines and my menstrual cycles have been regular for many years. I still occasionally see Dr. Mohammadi for wrinkles and cosmetic treatments. It is amazing that acupuncture is effective on so many issues. Most of all, I am thankful to have known such a great practitioner in acupuncture. Dr. Mohammadi treats you like a human being, rather than a patient and she asks questions to find out the real causes of your problem, rather than just treating the symptoms. I highly recommend you try acupuncture with Dr. Mohammadi.

Cindy A.


During my first visit for losing weight, Dr Mohammadi noticed that I had wrist braces on both of my hands. She asked why I was wearing them and I explained that I have carpal tunnel syndrome and I was actually due for surgery. She recommended that I get treatment for CTS prior to my surgery and that it could save me from having an operation on my hands. She was right. I noticed improvement in just a few sessions and gradually my pain was completely gone. I was speechless. I really couldn’t imagine myself pain free after so long and I didn’t go through with a painful procedure. On top of everything, I have lost 25 pounds over 3 months with acupuncture treatments. Dr Mohammadi is very professional and I recommend you try acupuncture with her for your concerns.

Tracy S.


I am a nurse at Mahak Hospital. Dr Mohammadi came to our hospital for acupuncture treatment for children who were going under chemotherapy and had nausea and vomiting. She did treatments for children ranging from 2 years to 14 years old. Neither I nor my colleagues had any strong feelings for the effectiveness of acupuncture. The day after the treatment, I checked the reports of the nurses; none of the children had vomiting after their chemotherapy without any antiemetic medicines. I can say now that I am a believer in acupuncture and especially in Dr Mohammadi. She is very sympathetic and kindhearted and she was so caring and experienced with children. It is no wonder she is a pediatrician herself.

Fatima Sh.


I am a cardiologist. I deal with a lot of stress which exacerbates my asthma. After only a few visits with Dr. Mohammadi, I was asymptomatic and was much more relaxed. After I completed the treatment with 10 sessions, I was able to treat my own patients with more ease as well as enjoy outdoor activities. I can tell you from my professional experience that acupuncture is very effective in various areas, especially if it is being done by a great practitioner like Dr. Mohammadi.

Parisa S., MD


Severe migraine headaches had caused me to become addicted to painkillers including Tramadol. I was unable to perform my daily tasks. I constantly wanted to sleep, even though sleep made my headaches worse. I was depressed. Meeting Dr. Mohammadi and getting acupuncture treatments changed my life forever. She first treated me for my addiction to Tramadol. Then I received acupuncture for my migraines. After my last session which was the 15th session, I was pain free and I was able to find a job and be a functional member of my community. After years, I don’t get the migraines anymore. I still have normal headaches from time to time that go away with just a single Tylenol. Dr. Mohammadi is a very knowledgeable doctor and she has a golden heart as well as golden hands. My mom adores her and she always reminds me that Dr. Mohammadi saved my life.

Mariam M.


My father has Parkinson’s and he had balance problems at age 75. Dr Mohammadi put him on acupuncture treatments. I noticed an amazing change in his shaking and imbalance after each treatment and I would say after he finished his sessions, he was about 70 percent better. He was a new man again after the treatments and he was so happy that he could continue his life independently without help of others.

 Mason K.


I had war related PTSD and Parkinson’s and my hands shook so much that I couldn’t even write anymore. Thanks to Dr. Mohammadi’s unbelievable acupuncture treatments, my trembles got much better and I was able to write again after a few treatments. I don’t know if it is the acupuncture or the skills of Dr. Mohammadi, but I still can’t believe my results.

Ali B.


I was suffering from sciatica and I had excruciating pain every few months. The first session I had with Dr Mohammadi, she gave me a magical treatment. I call it magical because she saved my family holidays. It was a few days before the New Year and I had to drive my car for 8 hours to get to my in-laws. After my session, I felt much better that I was confident I could make the drive. After we got back from our vacation, I continued my acupuncture treatment with Dr Mohammadi. Now whenever I feel the pain coming back, I pop in for couple of treatments with her and I’m as good as new. She really does magic. I am so thankful to Dr Mohammadi.

Bill G., MD


I had lower back pain and was limping prior to acupuncture treatments. I didn’t believe in acupuncture but my daughter who was a patient of Dr. Mohammadi asked me to give it a try. Dr. Mohammadi has a very attentive and pleasant personality and I was keen to continue my treatments with her. I am glad that I trusted her. My limp has almost completely gone and I am more active throughout the day. I am glad to have met such a great doctor and wonderful person. I was so happy with the results that I went through treatments for weight loss with her.  I would gladly recommend her to anyone.

Sara M.


I suffered with plantar fasciitis for over 3 years.  It was a pain that at times felt intolerable and sucked the joy right out of me.  I had tried every remedy known to modern medicine; from anti-inflammatory medication such as steroids to splints and orthotics.  As a physician, I did not know what else to do.  Fortunately, I heard about acupuncture and its benefits with different types of pain syndromes.  I was not excited about the thought of needles, but I was desperate for relief, so I decided to give it a try.

I had a 45 minutes acupuncture session with Dr. Rokhsareh Mohammadi .  She explained the procedure thoroughly and I felt very confident in her care.  I actually felt so relaxed that I slept during the whole session.  The very next day, I woke up for the first time in years without pain.  I understand that my results are not typical after only 1 session, but it was like a miracle for me.  As a practicing doctor, I now recommend acupuncture to my patients that suffer with chronic pain.  It is an alternative and effective therapy that is worth a try.

Beatriz E. J., MD