Steps of cure


Staying healthy goes further than the absence of illness. Often we don’t recognize our health until it is compromised, and then we seek ways to regain it. Acupuncture can help you restore your wellbeing.

Most people begin acupuncture treatments in order to receive quick relief from pain, discomfort and other symptoms. This type of care allows you to feel better faster. Frequent visits over the next few weeks may be needed to further reduce your symptoms. This is determined by your signs, symptoms, age, life- style and your energy “Qi” pronounced chee. You will notice that your pain or other symptoms have been reduced or eliminated.

You are now ready to do acupuncture for maintenance treatment. This is the time when underlying problems or complaints can be addressed. Even though you may not be experiencing symptoms, it is important to continue to strength, build and support your body. Stopping care now could disrupt the progress you have already achieved. Even simple activities could cause a relapse. Maintenance treatments need less frequent visits.

Wellness Care is the next step. This type of care preserves the progress you have made. Visits are two times per month. Like when you take your car for tune-ups to keep it running smoothly. These preventative maintenance treatments further strengthen your body, keep you healthy, balanced and potentially free from illnesses. Little problems may be caught before they become major diseases. Wellness Care is the root of healing.

Acupuncture treatments combined with regular exercise, healthy diet, and other good habits can keep you look, feel and perform at your best.