Pediatric acupuncture

Pediatric acupuncture has formed a specialized subject in Chinese Medicine. It is a safe, and natural way of healing for many acute and chronic diseases in infants and children such as arthritis, asthma, allergies, eczema, stress, anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, colic, diarrhea, constipation, teething, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, bed wetting, insomnia, dizziness, headache, migraine, and many more health conditions. Acupuncture is also used to strengthen the immune system, helping to prevent diseases and ward off infections.

Overall pediatric acupuncture is gentle and comforting for kids and in many situations there is no need to insert needles. Shonishin is a Japanese non-insertive needle therapy that uses especial devices and techniques to stimulate the vital energy and unblock the free flow of qi in infants and children. If there is a need to insert needles, they would be few, very thin, and fine quality, with the consideration of complete clean needle techniques. Since children’s energy moves and changes very quickly in comparison to adults there is no retention time (in-and-out technique vs. keeping needles in place).

Laser acupuncture is another effective option for young children. It uses infrared light from a device that resembles a small flashlight to deliver an imperceptible dose of thermal energy to the acupuncture point. Research has shown laser acupuncture to be as effective as needles.

Chinese medicine offers a natural, quick and effective treatment for the majority of common childhood complaints